Interesting Blog 4: Top Aligned Labels

Whenever I am prompted to fill out my credit card information in order to purchase a product, I immediately check for a pay through PayPal option. I opt to use PayPal not because I don’t trust the website, but because I hate filling out forms. Filling forms take too much of my time and I know many other user feel just like I do.  Is there a way that website owners can make filling out form less of a hassle for customers?

In this post the author argues that aligning labels at the top of form fields can make it easier for users to fill out the form. He argues that top aligned labels require half the fixation that left or right aligned labels ask of viewers. It allows the user to move in one visual direction rather than two.

It is a very interesting blog indeed and is definitely something to think about if you plan on getting information from your website visitors. Here is link to the blog post if you decide to learn more about it.
